Home » Japan Police Obtain Arrest Warrant for Phone Scam Suspect Based in Thailand
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Japan Police Obtain Arrest Warrant for Phone Scam Suspect Based in Thailand

Sources say that police in Gifu Prefecture, central Japan, have obtained an arrest warrant for a Japanese man suspected of making fraudulent phone calls from Thailand to Japan.

Gifu prefectural police plan to arrest the suspect when he arrives in Japan. He is due to be extradited next week.

The suspect, 49-year-old Ogawa Daisuke, is one of four people whom police in Thailand arrested in October.

The arrests were made after Thai police officials received information about the group from authorities in Japan and Taiwan. The group is suspected of perpetrating phone scams targeting people in Japan.

Thai police officers raided their base, which is located in a luxury residential area outside the capital Bangkok. They arrested Ogawa and another Japanese person. They also arrested two Taiwanese.

Sources allege that Ogawa called an elderly man living in the city of Tajimi in Gifu Prefecture and defrauded the man out of about 100,000 yen, or about 660 dollars.

Thai police officers and other authorities say that one of the suspects from Taiwan appears to be the leader of the fraud ring. They suspect that Ogawa pretended to be a police officer or a bank employee when he made the fraudulent phone calls to targets in Japan.

Source : NHK

