Yoji Yamada has directed 90 films, including “Tora-san,” which tops the Guinness World Records for the longest-running movie series starring the same actor. In each of the 48 installments, beginning...
The film has been acquired for distribution in Taiwan (SkyDigi) and Korea (Media Castle) during the Asian Contents & Film Market (ACFM), which runs...
Vienna, Brussels (26/9 – 36) David McCallum – the British actor who played as Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard, a pathologist on hit CBS TV program...
Acclaimed director Hirokazu Kore-eda fears that Japan’s underfunded, inward-looking cinema industry is putting off young talent, so he’s taken matters into his...
Over 58.6 million people in Southeast Asia tune into online streaming services, and most of them watch K-dramas. The momentum of Korean content gaining...